StringGrid Enterキーでセル移動(横・縦)

StringGridのOptionsプロパティの goEditing=Trueにしたとき
//StringGridのOnKeyDownイベント procedure TForm1.StringGrid1KeyDown(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState); begin if Key=VK_RETURN then begin with TStringGrid(Sender) do begin if SpBtnRight.Down then //------------------------------------- {[→]横移動} if Shift=[ssShift] then begin {Shift+Enter 左移動} if Col > FixedCols then Col:=Col-1 else if Row > FixedRows then begin Col:=ColCount-1; Row:=Row-1; end else begin Col:=ColCount-1; Row:=RowCount-1; end end else begin {Enter 右移動} if Col < ColCount-1 then Col:=Col+1 else if Row < RowCount-1 then begin Col:=FixedCols; Row:=Row+1; end else begin Col:=FixedCols; Row:=FixedRows; end; end else //------------------------------------- [↓]縦移動 if Shift=[ssShift] then begin {Shift+Enter 上移動} if Row > FixedRows then Row:=Row-1 else if Col > FixedCols then begin Row:=RowCount-1; Col:=Col-1; end else begin Col:=ColCount-1; Row:=RowCount-1; end end else begin {Enter 下移動} if Row < RowCount-1 then Row:=Row+1 else if Col < ColCount-1 then begin Col:= Col +1; Row:=FixedRows; end else begin Col:=FixedCols; Row:=FixedRows; end; end; end;{with} end; end;
//StringGridのOnDrawCellイベント procedure TForm1.StringGrid1DrawCell(Sender: TObject; ACol, ARow: Longint; Rect: TRect; State: TGridDrawState); begin StringGrid1.Canvas.FillRect(Rect); Rect.Top := Rect.Top + 2; DrawText(StringGrid1.Canvas.Handle, PChar(StringGrid1.Cells[ACol,ARow]), Length(StringGrid1.Cells[ACol,ARow]), Rect, DT_RIGHT); // DT_RIGHT=右寄せ end;
// 応用編 procedure TForm1.StringGrid1DrawCell(Sender: TObject; ACol, ARow: Integer; Rect: TRect; State: TGridDrawState); var SGrid :TStringGrid; S :String; DTdraw :Integer; begin SGrid:=TStringGrid(Sender); if (ARow>0)and(ACol=6) then SGrid.Canvas.Brush.Color:=$00DAFECF; {7列目の背景色を変更} SGrid.Canvas.FillRect(Rect); Rect.Left:= Rect.Left + 3; S:=SGrid.Cells[Acol,Arow]; if (ARow=0) then DTdraw:=DT_CENTER else {1行目は、中央揃え} case ACol of 0,4:DTdraw:=DT_CENTER; {1,5列目は、中央揃え} 1,3:DTdraw:=DT_RIGHT; {2,4列目は、右揃え} 5,6:begin {6,7列目は、右揃えで桁区切り} DTdraw:=DT_RIGHT; S:=FormatFloat('#,###',StrToFloatDef(S,0));{表示のみ変更} end else DTdraw:=DT_LEFT; {その他は、左揃え} end; DrawText(SGrid.Canvas.Handle, PChar(S), Length(S), Rect, DTdraw or DT_VCENTER or DT_SINGLELINE);{縦は中央揃え} end;
StringGrid 行を削除する
procedure GridLineDel(var SGrid:TStringGrid; DeleteFix:Boolean=True); var ACol,ARow: Integer; begin with SGrid do begin //1行全てを削除して行を繰上げる if DeleteFix then begin for ARow:= Row to RowCount -1 do Rows[ARow].Assign(Rows[ARow+1]); Rows[RowCount -1].Clear; //最終行 // if RowCount-1 > FixedRows then RowCount:=RowCount-1; //表の最終行を減らす場合 end else //FixedCellを残して削除する begin for ARow:= Row to RowCount -1 do for ACol:= FixedCols to ColCount -1 do Cells[ACol,ARow]:=Cells[ACol,ARow +1]; for ACol:= FixedCols to ColCount -1 do //最終行 Cells[ACol,RowCount -1]:=''; end; end; end;
呼出しはPopUpMenuとかでするのがよいでしょう。 以下の例では、選択範囲の行を削除しています。
var ARow:Integer; begin with StringGrid1 do begin for ARow:=1 to Selection.Bottom-Selection.Top+1 do // GridLineDel(StringGrid1); //1行全てを削除して行を繰上げる場合 GridLineDel(StringGrid1,False);//FixedCellを残して現在行を削除する Selection:= TGridRect(Rect( Col,Row,Col,Row)); //選択解除 end; end;
StringGrid 行を挿入する
procedure GridLineIns(var SGrid:TStringGrid; InsertFix:Boolean=True); var ACol,ARow :Integer; begin with SGrid do begin //1行挿入 if InsertFix then begin // RowCount:=RowCount+1; //行を増やす場合 if Row < RowCount-1 then for ARow:=RowCount-1 downto Row+1 do Rows[ARow].Assign(Rows[ARow-1]); Rows[Row].Clear; end else //FixedCellは残す begin if Row < RowCount-1 then for ARow:=RowCount-1 downto Row+1 do for ACol:=FixedCols to ColCount-1 do Cells[ACol,ARow]:=(Cells[ACol,ARow-1]); for ACol:=FixedCols to ColCount-1 do Cells[ACol,Row]:=''; end; end; end;
var ARow:Integer; begin with StringGrid1 do begin for ARow:=1 to Selection.Bottom-Selection.Top+1 do // GridLineIns(StringGrid1); //1行挿入 GridLineIns(StringGrid1,False); //FixedCellを残して行を挿入する Selection:= TGridRect(Rect( Col,Row,Col,Row)); end; end;
//StringGridのOnSelectCellイベント procedure TForm1.StringGrid1SelectCell(Sender: TObject; ACol, ARow: Integer; var CanSelect: Boolean); begin with TStringGrid(Sender) do begin if ACol = 2 {1列目のAColは0} then Options := Options - [goEditing] {3列目を編集不可} else Options := Options + [goEditing]; {編集可} end; end;
procedure SGridAutoFit(SGrid: TStringGrid); var ARow, ACol, tmpColWidth, maxColWidth: Integer; begin for ACol := 0 to SGrid.ColCount-1 do begin maxColWidth := SGrid.DefaultColWidth; for ARow := 0 to SGrid.RowCount-1 do begin tmpColWidth := SGrid.Canvas.TextWidth(SGrid.Cells[ACol,ARow]); if tmpColWidth > maxColWidth then maxColWidth := tmpColWidth; end; SGrid.ColWidths[ACol] := maxColWidth + 10; end; end;
StringGridでソートする (複数キーに対応)
GridSort(対象StringGrid, キー列, [true=数値 False=文字列]); 複数キーで、ソートする場合は、下位キーから順番に実行して下さい。 例: GridSort(StringGrid1, 2); 3列目文字キー GridSort(StringGrid1, 0, True); 1列目数値キー 数値を文字列キーにする場合は、桁あわせ(0で埋める)が必要ですが、 StringGrid1.Cells[1,1]:=IntToStr(数値) X StringGrid1.Cells[1,1]:= FormatFloat('000',数値) O 第3引数をTrueにすれば実数でソートします
procedure GridSort(SGrid:TStringGrid; ACol:Integer; KeyIsNum:Boolean=False); procedure MergeSort(Buffer: TStringList; ARow, Count: Integer); var I, J, Center : Integer; Temp: TStringList; Hikaku: Boolean; begin if Count = 1 then Exit; Center := Count div 2; MergeSort(Buffer, ARow, Center); MergeSort(Buffer, ARow + Center, Count - Center); I:=0; J:=0; Temp := TStringList.Create; try while (I < Center) and (J < Count - Center) do begin if KeyIsNum then Hikaku:=( StrToFloatDef(Buffer[ARow+I],0) > StrToFloatDef(Buffer[ARow+Center+J],0) ) else Hikaku:=( CompareStr(Buffer[ARow+I],Buffer[ARow+Center+J]) >0 ); if Hikaku then begin Temp.AddObject(Buffer[ARow + Center + J], Buffer.Objects[ARow + Center + J]); Inc(J); end else begin Temp.AddObject(Buffer[ARow + I], Buffer.Objects[ARow + I]); Inc(I); end; end; if I = Center then while J < Count - Center do begin Temp.AddObject(Buffer[ARow + Center + J], Buffer.Objects[ARow + Center + J]); Inc(J); end else while I < Center do begin Temp.AddObject(Buffer[ARow + I], Buffer.Objects[ARow + I]); Inc(I); end; for I:=0 to Count-1 do begin Buffer[ARow + I] := Temp[I]; Buffer.Objects[ARow + I] := Temp.Objects[I]; end; finally Temp.Free; end; end; var ARow: Integer; Buffer: TStringList; begin with SGrid do begin Buffer := TStringList.Create; try //Buffer に key とそれに対応する Rows を格納する for ARow:=FixedRows to RowCount-1 do begin Buffer.AddObject(Cells[ACol, ARow], TStringList.Create); TStringList(Buffer.Objects[ARow - FixedRows]).Assign(Rows[ARow]); end; //Buffer を実際にソートする MergeSort(Buffer, 0, RowCount - FixedRows); //Buffer.Sort; と置き換え //ソートしたデータを Grid に書き戻す for ARow := FixedRows to RowCount - 1 do begin Rows[ARow].Assign(TStringList(Buffer.Objects[ARow - FixedRows])); TStringList(Buffer.Objects[ARow - FixedRows]).Free; end; finally Buffer.Free; end; end; end;
usesに ComObj を追加して下さい。
procedure ExportToExcel(SGrid:TStringGrid); var MsExcel : Variant; MsApplication: Variant; WBook : Variant; WSheet : Variant; iCol,iRow : integer; function columnToA1(clm:Integer) :string ; begin // カラム数 ==> A1参照形式へ変換 if (clm-1) div 26 > 0 then Result:=Chr(64+ (clm-1) div 26) else Result:=''; Result:=Result+ chr(65 + (clm-1) mod 26); end; begin //Excel起動 MsExcel := CreateOleObject('Excel.Application'); MsApplication := MsExcel.Application; MsApplication.Visible := True; WBook := MsApplication.WorkBooks.Add ; WSheet :=WBook.ActiveSheet; //Excelにデータ出力 WSheet.Rows[1].Font.Bold:= 'True'; //タイトル行を太字にする for iRow:=0 to SGrid.RowCount-1 do begin for iCol:=0 to SGrid.ColCount-1 do begin WSheet.Cells[iRow+1,iCol+1].Value:=SGrid.Cells[iCol,iRow]; end; end; WSheet.Columns['A:'+columnToA1(SGrid.ColCount)].AutoFit; //列幅自動調整 end;
procedure GridSave(SGrid:TStringGrid; fName: String); var stList :TStringList; ARow,ACol :Integer; S :String; begin stList:=TStringList.Create; try for ARow:=0 to SGrid.RowCount-1 do begin S:= ''; for ACol:=0 to SGrid.ColCount-1 do S:= S + SGrid.Cells[ACol,ARow]+ Chr(VK_TAB); stList.Add (S); end; stList.SaveToFile(fName); // stList.SaveToFile(fName,TEncoding.Unicode); //Delphi2009 finally stList.Free; end; end;
//SaveDialogでの使用例 procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); begin SaveDialog1.DefaultExt:='TXT'; SaveDialog1.Filter:= 'Text files (*.txt)|*.TXT'; if SaveDialog1.Execute then GridSave(StringGrid1,SaveDialog1.FileName); end;
procedure GridSaveCSV(SGrid:TStringGrid; fName: String); var stList :TStringList; ARow :Integer; begin stList:=TStringList.Create; try for ARow:=0 to SGrid.RowCount-1 do stList.Add(SGrid.Rows[ARow].CommaText); stList.SaveToFile(fName); // stList.SaveToFile(fName,TEncoding.Unicode); //Delphi2009 finally stList.Free; end; end;
//SaveDialogでの使用例 procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); begin SaveDialog1.DefaultExt:='CSV'; SaveDialog1.Filter:= 'CSV files (*.csv)|*.CSV'; if SaveDialog1.Execute then GridSaveCSV(StringGrid1,SaveDialog1.FileName); end;
procedure GridLoad(SGrid:TStringGrid; fName:string); var stList: TStringList; ARow,ACol: Integer; tmpS: string; FldSeparator: Char; begin stList:=TStringList.Create; try FldSeparator:= Char(VK_TAB); stList.LoadFromFile(fName); SGrid.RowCount:= stList.Count; SGrid.ColCount:= SGrid.FixedCols; for ARow:=0 to stList.Count-1 do begin ACol:= 0; tmpS:= stList[ARow]; while Pos(FldSeparator,tmpS) > 0 do begin if ACol > SGrid.ColCount-1 then SGrid.ColCount:= ACol+1; SGrid.Cells[ACol,ARow]:= Copy(tmpS,1,Pos(FldSeparator,tmpS)-1); Delete(tmpS,1,Pos(FldSeparator,tmpS)); Inc(ACol); end; end; finally stList.Free; end; end;
procedure GridLoadCSV(SGrid:TStringGrid; fName:string); var stList: TStringList; ARow: Integer; begin stList:=TStringList.Create; try stList.LoadFromFile(fName); SGrid.RowCount:= stList.Count; for ARow:=0 to stList.Count-1 do SGrid.Rows[ARow].CommaText:= stList[ARow]; finally stList.Free; end; end;
usesに ClipBrd を追加して下さい。
//第2パラメータ、[Select=True]で選択範囲、Falseで全範囲 procedure CopyFromStringGrid(SGrid:TStringGrid;Select:Boolean=True); var S :String; GRect :TGridRect; ACol,ARow :Integer; begin if Select then GRect:=SGrid.Selection else GRect:=TGridRect(Rect(0,0,SGrid.ColCount-1,SGrid.RowCount-1)); S:=''; for ARow:=GRect.Top to GRect.Bottom do begin for ACol:=GRect.Left to GRect.Right do begin if ACol= GRect.Right then S:=S+SGrid.Cells[ACol,ARow] else S:=S+SGrid.Cells[ACol,ARow]+#9; end; S:=S+#13#10; end; ClipBoard.AsText:= S; end;
usesに ClipBrd を追加して下さい。
//第2パラメータ、[Select=True]で選択位置、Falseで左上(0,0)に貼付けます procedure PasteToStringGrid(SGrid:TStringGrid; Select:Boolean=True); var S,tmpS :String; ARow,ACol :Integer; begin if Select then ARow:= SGrid.Row-1 else ARow:= -1; S:=ClipBoard.AsText; while Pos(#13,S) > 0 do begin Inc(ARow); if Select then ACol:= SGrid.Col-1 else ACol:= -1; tmpS:= Copy(S,1,Pos(#13,S)); while Pos(#9,tmpS) > 0 do begin Inc(ACol); if (ACol <= SGrid.ColCount-1) and (ARow <= SGrid.RowCount-1) then SGrid.Cells[ACol,ARow]:= Copy(tmpS,1,Pos(#9,tmpS)-1); Delete(tmpS,1,Pos(#9,tmpS)); end; if (ACol <= SGrid.ColCount-1) and (ARow <= SGrid.RowCount-1) then SGrid.Cells[ACol+1,ARow]:= Copy(tmpS,1,Pos(#13,tmpS)-1); Delete(S,1,Pos(#13,S)); if Copy(S,1,1)=#10 then Delete(S,1,1); end; end;
